

Interpreting Services

Whilst our interpreters now work in Chinese, Thai, Korean and most other languages, our main form of translation work over the years has been Japanese interpreting.

"Interpreting" conventionally refers to translation of the spoken word, but of course words are spoken in a wide range of settings and for many different reasons.

We translate and interpret in factories, boardrooms, conferences and the outback. Read some of these case studies to see some of the more unusual challenges we have overcome.

Many projects require interpreting in every mode, and translating in both directions, consulting, and all these things in more than one language.


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This is but a selection of indicative projects.
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Critical minerals for climate change mitigation
This symposium, for which we provided RSI, was hosted by Monash University and discussed risk reduction in lithium supply chains.
2022 - 2024 Hunter Power Project
Snowy Hydro are building a state-of-the-art peaking gas-fired power station in the Hunter Valley to cope with the unforeseen chaos of renewables. Our team has supported the project from the earliest design phase to onsite construction and training of operators, all working with Mitsubishi technology.
2021 - 2023 Rare Cancers Australia
RCA is a global innovator, coaching patient support groups as they become powerhouses of analysis, presentation, lobbying and advocacy. We have done online simultaneous interpreting in seven languages and worked onsite in Japan, Singapore and Thailand in their workshops and global events.
2019 Bunkyo University
For the past four years we have provided weekly counselling sessions for visiting Japanese homestay students so they could share and discuss any cultural issues they were experiencing, but in their native tongue.
2018 Racing Victoria
Every year since 2004 Chris Poole Translation have provided the Japanese text for the glossy booklet and CD used to entice Japanese owners to bring their horses to run in the various race meets during Spring Racing Carnival.
2018 Monash College
Monash College organise homestays and immersion English training for hundreds of overseas students every year, and this year they sought feedback from the current cohort. Over a thousand responses in six different languages were translated into English.
2018 Megayacht Marina Specs
As the 2020 Olympics approach, Japan is keen to ensure that the world's most amenable people have got suitable berths for their very big boats, so we translated the 50 page Global Megayacht Marina Design Specification into Japanese.
2018 Australian Lamb Company OHS translation
Translation of 50 Safe Work Instructions into Chinese and Arabic for line workers at the Australian Lamb Company abattoir in Colac. This work was sponsored by their insurer who sought to minimise the OHS risks to which workers with limited English. were exposed
2018 Australian Customs
Have you returned from overseas recently and viewed a video featuring a friendly chap from Australian Customs who says "Don't be sorry. Just declare it!" Chris Poole Translation checked and edited the translations of the entire script, subtitles and supers in Japanese, Hindi, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, French and Arabic. We then recruited VO talent and interpreted for the director during the shoot.
2016 Vales Point Generator inspection and governer commissioning
We provided constant interpreting support for a Toshiba technical adviser supervising the disassembly, testing and reassembly of the generator, as well as looking after a different workface commissioning the steam feed pump governor, during this year’s major outage.
2016 SAP Training at Newell Rubbermaid
Intensive training for new member of Global Master Data Group. Plowing through a large volume of presentations, knowledge checks and practice, before Asia Pacific Go Live event.
2016 Operator Training South Hedland Power Station
This Combined Cycle Power generator built in the Pilbara by TransAlta is due to synchronize 2017, and leading up to this the Japanese engineers from IHI take the team of operators through weeks of training in the control systems. CPT were the language interface for this very technical work.
2016 Online market survey
May and June we provided rapid turnaround of survey questions and a large volume of responses in both Malay and Chinese for an online survey of a new ad campaign. Details of the product and manufacturer cannot be disclosed, but you've heard of them.
2016 National School Improvement Tool
This document was developed by the Australian Council for Educational Research for the Commonwealth Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations based on a series of national consultations conducted during 2012. Translated by us into Chinese and Arabic.
2016 GMP Audit of Japanese Manufacturer
We provided interpreting support with two interpreters for two day audit of a factory manufacturing drugs for import into Australia by Servier Pharmaceuticals, in Saitama Japan.
2016 Artificial Turf System
For football and playing fields all over the world, we translated the technical specification and installation instructions for this product into Japanese, German, Dutch, Spanish, French and Korean.
2016 - 2023 Bayswater Power Station unit outages
We have supported every major outage including generator rewinds and turbine upgrades for the past eight years.
2015年 東京肝臓友の会
2015, 2016 Gas Turbine outage and upgrade
Critical to the production of Alumina at the Alcoa Pinjarra refinery in Western Australia are two HRSG Units powered by Mitsubishi Hitachi gas turbines and generators. We have twice provided intense on-site, double-shift language support for teams of Japanese speaking technical advisers during major outages. This included interpreting for the extensive and thorough safety inductions We also undertook the translation of all reports and technical documentation.
2015 Tax Advice - PwC
25,000 word advisory document on Australian taxation law for Japanese utility company.
2015 Needs Assessment on Viral Hepatitis - Latrobe University
Translation into English of over 50 hours of interview material obtained in China from Hepatitis sufferers, and then translation into Chinese of 70 page “Needs Assessment” recommending changes to public health policy.
2015 Media Launch of Mazda2 Sedan
Interpreting support for Chief designer visiting from Hiroshima to present his latest work at a well provisioned launch all over Adelaide.
2015 Horticulture Innovation Australia
Translation into Chinese of “Australia Fresh” exhibition brochure and Memorandum of Understanding.
2015 Factory audit by Taiwanese Food and Drug Administration
Provision of interpreting support (Mandarin) for a week of inspections and document examination at Hospira, manufacturer of a range of chemotherapy drugs.
2015 Citrus Australia
We provided interpreting support for the entrance and exit meetings with both Japanese and Korean Quarantine inspectors for Australian citrus exporters.
2015 Barco – Large format video display manufacturer
As well as providing rapid translation of email correspondence, we have been delivering remote interpreting in teleconferences between Japan, Melbourne and Belgium for technical support for a number of large projects in Japan.
2014 Uniqlo Fitout
We interpreted on a number of occasions during the installation and commissioning of the complicated mannequin systems at Melbourne’s newest retail clothing sensation.
2014 Servier Pharmaceuticals – Business negotiations
Interpreting support for business meetings and negotiations to conclude distribution agreement with Japanese partner.
2014 Major repairs to Geothermal Power Station Condensors
For reasons that will not be detailed here, a newly commissioned 150+ MW Geothermal Power Station required major remodeling and fabrication of the condensers. A team of designers and welding experts from Japan joined a crew of over a hundred local trades and supervisors to pull off what in engineering terms was five story high heart/lung surgery. We provided 20 hour a day translation support coverage for the trades, supervisors, toolbox and safety meetings, as well as translating a large volume of technical documentation on the fly.
2014 King and Wood Mallesons – ACCC v Japanese Manufacturer
Interpreting and translation support during Federal Court proceedings on price fixing of automotive parts.
2014 Focus Group Interviews Kao Australia
Provided teams of interpreters to carry out both simultaneous interpreting at focus groups and in-depth market research, on the formulation and package design of consumer product.
2014 Crisis management rehearsals for international airline
Provided consulting and translation services during rehearsals of crisis response meetings, including the generation of bilingual press releases and interpreting in video conference linking Australia with their Japan office.
2014 Chubb Insurance – Bonsoy Class action
Interpreting for Japanese food manufacturers in client conferences and during mediation of $25 Million class action over alleged health effects of elevated levels of iodine in soy milk.
2014 – 2016 Barokes v Daiwa Can
Barokes is an Australian company that developed the technology that allows the production and sale of wine-in-a-can. It is immensely popular world-wide but the intellectual property requires constant defence from copy-cats. We provided both Japanese interpreting support and translation services as part of legal proceedings to defend the patents and commercial rights of this Australian innovator.
2013年 立命館大学
2013年 国際電気標準会議
We provided simultaneous interpreting support for Japanese delegates to the International Electrotechnical Commission meetings held in Melbourne and Auckland, to discuss the development of international energy conservation standards for whitegoods. 家電の省エネに関する国際基準設定に関して、メルボルンとオークランドで開かれた国際電気標準会議にて、日本代表の皆様に同時通訳サービスを提供いたしました。
2013-2015年 ホンダ新車発表会
2013 Emergency repairs to AVR
In the middle of the 2013 floods we traveled to a Queensland Power station to interpret for technical advisors to supervise the repair of some seriously melted copper conductors.
2013 Delegation to investigate illegal online activity
This job involved accompanying a team of researchers as they visited Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra to interview various broadcasters, regulators and consultants to understand Australian policy on child exploitation material and other online illegal activity.
2013 Ashurst – Sumitomo and others v Axiom, Solomon Islands Government and others
Sumitomo take on the whole government after exploration licenses awarded to non-tendering Australian mining company. Interpreting sworn evidence in High Court, Honiara
2013 Arnold Bloch Leibler/Allens – Asahi v PEP and Ors
Asahi Beverages experience buyer’s remorse after the acquisition of New Zealand alcopop manufacturer. 12 months translating discovery material leading up to hearings
2013 - 2015 Symantec
Provision of weekly interpreting support for Asia Pacific Sales review teleconferences, as well as on site interpreting support for meetings in Tokyo, and translation of various in house documents and management tools.
2012 Mine Prospectus
Translation into both Japanese and Chinese of prospectus and survey data of Fijian gold, copper and iron sands mine for listed company Dome Gold Mines.
2012 IVO International Podiatry Conference, Sydney
Simultaneous interpreting for two day conference on podiatry.
2012 Confined Space work in NZ
Sometimes it makes the most sense for the interpreter to act as the spotter when a non-English speaker is working in a confined space. After translating the training session we sat and watched as a specialist welder inspected and worked at the Ohakuri Hydro Power Station New Zealand.
2012 Coalition to Eradicate Viral Hepatitis conference, Taiwan
Simultaneous interpreting for two day conference on public health policy on viral hepatitis in various Asian countries.
2012 Advent Private Capital
Translation of presentation made to Japanese institutional investor during the $68 million investment in Orionstone Pty. Ltd.
2012 – 2015 Freestyle Technology
As this innovative, smart-metering “internet-of-things” company expands into Asia we have assisted by translating a large volume of material both to and from Korean, Chinese and Japanese. The material has included tender invitations and proposals, publicity material, technical specification and correspondence as part of contract negotiations.
2012 – 2013 Automotive lighting development
We had Japanese, Thai and Chinese interpreting specialists on site at a major automotive design facility working side by side with lighting designers from Koito, Ichikoh and Ta-Yih.
2011 Nomura Research
Interpreting support for a delegation investigate banking security and credit card fraud mitigation Australia.
2011 Kraft Specification Software
After the demerger of Cadbury Schweppes, the former was acquired by Kraft (now Mondelez) and as is often the case the parent company then sought to roll out uniform systems throughout their global subsidiaries. We were asked to supervise the translation into Japanese of their in-house developed software application for controlling all recipes, ingredients and supplier details. Apart from the interface this required the translation of a data base of over 40,000 thousand ingredient names, with follow up training sessions in Tokyo which we supported with local interpreting talent.
2011 Grain Foods Innovations
Developers of a suite of proprietary grain-processing technologies that include a bio-enhanced milling process that uses plant biochemistry to improve the separation of wheat endosperm from bran during milling, we translated technical notices and commercial agreements with overseas partners.
2011 Geological and financial modelling
CPT undertook to audit and correct over 40,000 words of geologist reports on NW Shelf oil and gas reserves translated into Japanese for in-house use to develop investment strategies.
2011 Foreign investment investigated by the ATO
We translated over 450 pages of internal documents from a major Japanese investor in Australian real estate to enable PWC to defend them from an investigation from the ATO.
2011 Emergency repairs for unplanned outage
Major East Coast Australian coal-fired generator suffers an unplanned outage requiring OEM support from Japan. Two and half weeks of 24 hour on site interpreter support at zero notice.
2011 Defense of investigation by ATO
Back in the seventies there was some pretty hefty Japanese investment in various coastal locales, not all of them profitable. So in 2011 the ATO thought it fit and proper to ask whether some of the write-offs were strictly legit. We translated over a quarter of a millions words of Japanese internal corporate documentation that the investors might successfully defend their case.
2011 and 2016 Servicing the shumai machine
At Marathon Foods I was honoured to have a full tour of the dim sim line – surprisingly a foodstuff invented right here in Melbourne. But Marathon also make shumai and the machine that makes them needs periodic servicing, so I followed the Japanese engineer round for a week while he got it humming. We returned for a complete refit in 2016.
2010年 民主党・無所属ネット大阪府議会議員団
2010 Presentation on FIRB / FATA
King & Wood Mallesons developed presentation material for the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the Foreign Acquisition and Takeover Act and we translated it into Japanese.
2010 Life Technologies – ordering system training
Lifetech is a US based global company providing genome sequencing consumables. In 2010 they rolled out a company-wide IT application for processing orders of their products and carried out training in various overseas locations. We provided simultaneous interpreting for the three weeks in Australia.
2010 Australian Wheat Board
Meetings with Japanese government representatives to discuss and explain market impact of the privatisationn of the AWB.
2010 Audit of business processes - Asahi Schweppes
Following their acquisition of Schweppes, recently demerged from Cadbury, Asahi carried our thorough audits of the existing business systems and we provided interpreting support to numerous Subject Matter Experts from Japan.
2009 Marine Hose Cartel
We provided interpreting and translation services to the ACCC for a witness providing sworn evidence that led to four companies in Australia being fined more than eight million dollars. In overseas jurisdictions the ring leaders of this global cartel were jailed.
2009 Hydro Australia Repairs Callide Power Station
Interpreting support for supervising engineers from Ebara pumps, repairing failed steam feed pump onsite in outback Queensland and in the workshop in Latrobe Valley Victoria.
2009 AMP Capital Investors
When AMP CI were first setting up their Japanese presence we were privileged to be involved in the development of one of their foundation corporate culture texts – their “Leadership Charter” translated into Japanese.
2009 AGL Safety Induction Manual
The Bogong Hydro Power Station was a worksite involving heavy engineering, underground work, high voltage and even snakes. We translated 12,000 words of induction material, spending a day onsite during the final edit to confirm that various terms and experession were industry-appropriate and that no Japanese person could claim they didn't understand.
2009 ACCC stands up for the food court!
The ACCC went into bat for a number of tenants in a city mall, who between them spoke Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese and Hakka. They were eventually successful with the Federal court finding the landlord had engaged in unconscionable, misleading and deceptive conduct. We provided translation and interpreting support for all claimants, their statements and evidence.
2008, 2010, 2011 and 2015 Unit Outages Yallourn Power Station
Round the clock translation and on site interpreter support for major outages, involving the replacement of High – Intermediate Pressure Modules, AVR rebuilds/replacements, terminal box inspections and repairs, generator rewinds, HV bushing rebuilds, front standard rebuilds, and bearing alignment and vibration countermeasures.
2008 QLD Dept. of Justice, Project Wickenby
A Japanese national resident in Australia was tried over a six-week period and found guilty of tax evasion. CPT provided interpreting and translation support to the defence and the court throughout.
2008 Kangan Institute
Translation into Japanese of 12 page course guide for overseas students.
2008 GlaxoSmithKline
CPT have translated promotional and presentation materials on the cultivation and processing of medicinal alkaloids for the pharmaceutical market, of which Australia is the world's largest producer. Work has ranged from translation of business cards and PowerPoint files, to the script and coordination of voice over talent for DVDs.
2008 – 2014 Yallourn Power Station
We have lost count of how many people we have assisted through the safety induction videos – we know the script off by heart, in fact we’ve helped spot typos and problems with the terminology.
2008 – 2013 Melbourne Star Observation Wheel
Handled all onsite language support including construction supervision, training, development meetings, bilingual publicity and internal communications surrounding the original commissioning, and then the redesign, rebuild and recommissioning of the Melbourne (nee Southern) Star Observation Wheel
2007 Due Diligence document translation
Translation and translation management of a large volume of documentation as part of a major acquisition by the Resolution and Collection Corporation (整理回収機構).
2007 – 2008 Veyance Belting - expansion of plants
A Division of Goodyear, Veyance expanded is production of ore-carrying conveyor belts in Melbourne and the US to keep up with the mining boom. This entailed the purchase from Japan of two new extruders. We interpreted at the design and business meetings, for regular tri-nation teleconferences, at the machine run-off at the manufacture in Kobe, and then on site during the installation and commissioning of the new equipment.
2006 Litigation over cancelled order for boat
CPT undertook to manage the translation of over 20,000 words of material for a litigation over the cancellation of an order for a Norwegian built FPSO. That would be “Floating Production, Storage and Offloading” boat. They’d already paid for the big bits, you see.
2006 Kenworth
Leading up to the planned export of 400 Australian manufactured Kenworth prime movers to Japan, two driver trainers visited for one week and underwent driver training so that they could become accustomed to the bonneted profile and new transmission technology. So this was interpreting sitting in the cab driving round and round DECA in Shepparton. Then we wrote and translated the script for the training video. Cool job huh.
2006 Company-wide employee temperature check - Edelman
Edelman were commissioned to conduct in-depth interviews with the entire of staff of a global auto design organisation and prepare a report to address various issues. We provided interpreting support for the non-English speakers and presentation of final report to non-English speaking executives.
2006 and 2007 ExxonMobil Yokohama
Several courses were held in Yokohama to train fuel delivery fleet managers in SHE standards and then a year later in incident investigation methodology. Representative of all the Pacific rim and Island nations were present, and as well as translating the course material, we flew over to provide simultaneous interpreting for the Japanese in all the lectures, workshops and hands-on training.
2006 – 2010 Cellestis
Interpreting for business meetings with Japanese distributor of TB test kits, translation of clinical trials notes, package inserts, marketing and presentation materials.
2005 Hewlett Packard Web Design and Testing
HP created an Asia-Pacific internet portal for dealers and business partners in all the major Asian languages. Much of the language work was carried out in-house and in the target markets, but CPT provided full time bilingual and bicultural program testing and design resources for the Japanese and Korean language version, here in Melbourne.
2005 Corporate Profile of Thomson Playford Lawyers
Back when they were South Australia’s premier law firm we translated their corporate brochure into Japanese and presented as print ready artwork. The original firm is now embedded in the DNA of Thomson Geer.
2004年 素敵にガーデニングライフ(NHK番組)
2004年 東京電力
2004 住まう(雑誌)
2004 ES Cell International – Research Materials
Translation of researcher’s lab notes from Hebrew into English and consent forms from Dutch into English.
2004 – 2009 T6 joint development program
Ford and Mazda teamed up to design an all-new platform resulting in the Ford Ranger and Mazda BT50. We provided full time onsite translation and interpreting support, mostly in Japanese but also in Thai and Chinese, for over 40 engineers and designers from Japan, China and Thailand stationed in Melbourne, from the very beginning when they were sketching ideas on scraps of paper, to prototype builds in Thailand and the media launch in Sydney.
2004 – 2008 Toyota Altona
While stationed full time in a number of shops at TMCA we undertook to translate all their site, shop and project safety induction materials, as well as providing interpreting for all induction and training sessions, including working at height and confined spaces.
2004 - 2008 The Buchan Group
Provision of all interpreting and translation services both in Australia and Japan, for Buchan Group architects and lawyers during the negotiation, and design development of Lalaport Yokohama Shopping Centre. Written translation work included contracts, architectural drawings, design manuals, specifications and tenants' manuals. Interpreting included meetings, telephone conferences and presentations to client in Japan.
2003 Futures Trading company
Interpreting support for Board meetings, and teleconferences to discuss sales strategies in Japanese market.
2003 Baker McKenzie – AGL v ACCC
In 2003 the Greater Energy Alliance Consortium, including their Japanese partner TEPCO, sought to buy Loy Yang Power Station, and the ACCC challenged this leading to a court hearing. Evidence was heard from key personnel from TEPCO and we provided translation and interpreting support throughout.
2003 – 2009 Toyota Australia
Full time onsite interpreting and translation support for this global, category-killer in various shops and capacities: Installation and commissioning of new Komatsu Presses. Supplier supervision during strip out and reconstruction of Global Body Line. Numerous corporate events such as conferences, director visits, training courses and safety audits. Full time onsite presence supporting Japanese Coordinators in all aspects of training and management. Round the clock interpreter presence for installation, upgrade and repairs of injection moulding equipment, presses, robots and machine tools. Audits of efficiency in casting plant and engine shop. Translation of thousands of pages of reports, analyses and proposals.
2003 – 2006 Meat packing labels
As exports of Australian meat products continue to expand, abattoirs and meat packers must streamline their operations and meet stringent labelling requirements in their target markets. Working with the company DataSync who produce an automated labelling technology, we translated into Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Arabic the name of every single part and product that may be obtained from the carcass of a cow, sheep, pig and goat. There were over 4000 terms. Between those four language groups, they eat the lot.
2003 - 2008 SWSA
Translation in both directions of a wide variety of technical documents: lab reports, specifications, articles from the industry press.
2002 International Commercial Arbitration Research
Now retired, Professor Kaoru Matsuura of the Law Faculty of Meijo University in Nagoya led a five year project to investigate Commercial Arbitration and other forms of alternative dispute resolution in the Asia-Oceania Region. The project included surveys of law firms, regulatory bodies, industry associations and academics in Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, PRC, Korea, The Philippines and of course Japan, as well as workshops, conferences and many published papers. CPT translated all of the survey returns, follow up questionnaires, papers and the final published report.
2002 ES Cell International – Business Development activities
Interpreting support for various meetings in Australia and Japan with Tanabe Pharmaceuticals on development of therpeutics based on hES Cell lines developed in Australia.
2001 Supreme Court Patent Challenge on Shumai machine
People often assume that work as a court interpreter primarily involves dealing with “legal terminology”. This job is one of my favourite ways to dispel this myth. Three days I was on my feet interpreting for the Japanese designer of a machine that it was alleged had been reverse engineered by a company here in Melbourne. The evidence I was called on to translate was entirely about the mechanism by which the skin was pulled and formed into cups and then deposited onto the conveyor belt, and almost no legal terminology. Strangely, ten years later I had to interpret for an engineer servicing what may have been the same machine. Here’s one just like it.
2001 Sportskeep - Indoor Cricket Management software
Indoor sports facilities management systems were perfected in Australia, and then applied overseas. For the Japanese market penetration we translated the business system manual, all configuration and interface text, traveled to Japan and interpreted for trainee staff, and then translated the contracts.
2001 SAP implementation in Japan
Sealed Air – a global manufacturer of bubble wrap and packaging solutions, rolled out SAP in the Asia Pacific region. Translation of the training manuals for the Japanese staff, and intepreting for six, two week training programs in Tokyo was all provided by CPT.
2001 Compumedics
Melbourne based global leader in bio-monitoring technology, Compumedics were named Australian Exporter of the Year (Small to Medium Business) and in the same year we translated the user manual for their ProFusion Sleep Monitoring software into Japanese.
2001 Bilateral negotiation of Biosecurity treaty
Interpreting for AQIS and Japanese counterparts as the finer points of stone fruit and their various pests were discussed in Canberra.
2001 – 2009 GM Holden HVF6 Engine Plant Fishermans Bend
Provision of all interpreting and translation support for the initial planning, design development, construction, installation and commissioning of equipment and training of staff for the High Feature V6 Engine Plant, Fishermans Bend, Melbourne. Involved teams of up to five interpreters at a time, working around the clock as well as interpreting onsite for visiting Japanese supervisors during numerous expansion projects, buy-offs in Japan, capacity upgrades and repair work.
2000 Study of Debit and Credit Card Schemes Commissioned by the ACCC and the Reserve Bank
Visa Japan got wind of this 90 page document and its recommendations leading to various changes to Australian legislation and needed a translation into Japanese, which we prepared.
2000 Safety stickers for mobile plant
At one stage there was a massive influx into Australia of retired Japanese construction equipment, cranes, excavators and so on. More than once we had to crawl over a piece of equipment photographing and then translating and reproducing all the warning and safety stickers so that the machine could be approved by Worksafe.
2000 – 2015 Monash University International Students
Australia offers one of the most positive and rewarding experiences for tertiary students, with Monash University drawing thousands of scholars from overseas every year. Monash College, a wholly owned subsidiary, manages the pathway English courses and home stay experience for students from Japan, Korea, China and many other countries. CPT has been a partner in the development of this arm of the University's activities. Services include translation of the contracts with various overseas Universities; and all translation and interpreting for management of international student home stay program including student policies, correspondence and student welfare and crisis meetings. We also currently provide a 24 hour emergency help line for home stay students.
1999 Demonstration of sausage making machine
OK this was only a couple of days but the very latest in high speed casing stuffing and hanging technology was demonstrated by a gentleman from Linkwel and I interpreted for him. Totally cool job. Sausages.
1999 Blackmore Wagyu
Translation into English of the "Cut Meat Trading Standards" and "Illustrated Encyclopedia of Japanese Cattle".
1999 – 2009 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
We have traveled all over Australia and to Christchurch, New Zealand several times, with web offset printing equipment engineers from MHI to carry out installations, retrofits, repairs, and in one case to stare goggle eyed at a machine that had been maintained so well in Adelaide that the young man from Mitsubishi took photos just to show his boss back home that it still existed.
1998 Premium Chestnuts Cooperative
We provided simultaneous interpreting at the Australian nutgrowers National conference at Beechworth, for agricultural scientist visiting from Japan, presenting workshops on pruning and yield increase.
1998 Osaka National Hospital - Aids Research
Interpreting for a team of clinicians during a two week Study Tour on clinical practice and public health policy in relation to HIV and AIDS. Based at the Alfred Hospital and visiting a number of other facilities and organsiations.
1998 CSIRO fire rating tests
Interpreting for Japanese Government representatives witnessing fire rating tests of door and wall materials at CSIRO in Sydney, in order to obtain approval for export of Australian made building materials.
1998 Clayton Utz – Toyo Engineering v John Holland Construction and Engineering
We were asked to translate over 6,000 pages of discovered evidence in time for the hearing in Vancouver with only months to go. CPT assembled a team of 20 people and carried out "triage", moving through stages of summary, draft and finished translation to ensure that no money was spent unnecessarily, and that bullet proof translations popped out the end.
1998 Aoki Stretch Blow Molders for Containers Packaging
This was a project to install two stretch-blow molding machines at Containers Packaging (now Amcor) in Laverton. On this job we took great care that any tips the Japanese shared while training - that weren't covered in the operating manual - were carefully documented by us. Sometimes a supervisor would find, and fix, a problem, and there would be no one there to learn from it, so we would take notes and make sure it was covered in the next training session.
1998 – 2001 Ernest Hillier Chocolates
Older Melbournites will remember Ernest Hillier and Haig's being the two exclusive chocolatiers either side of Collins Street in the 50s. Ernest Hillier, still famous for their "yard of chocolate", now produces the widely loved native fauna themed chocolate coated Macadamia nuts and many other products aimed at the Japanese Tourist market. We have interpreted at a number of product development and price negotiations.
1998 – 2000 Tilling Timber
A prominent exporter of Australian timber flooring products we provided ongoing translation of marketing material, installation manuals and correspondence while they established a foothold in the Japanese market.
1997 Lime Producers Conference
Representatives of the world's lime producing nations gathered in Canberra to discuss market trends, latest technology and changes in the organisational structure, in five languages. Much of the work was "relay interpreting", where for example the interpreters in the French booth would translate into English, and we would listen to this and translate that into Japanese.
1997 Itsuko Hasegawa at Morphe 97
One of Japan's most intriguing architects, Itsuko Hasegawa, spoke to 2000 students and architects at the 1997 conference held by Deakin University about vacant blocks of land, and the Niigata Performing Arts Centre. Chris Poole accompanied her on stage for the presentation and Q&A session. CPT then translated an interview with her which was published in the journal Monument.
1996 DPP – Katsuno and Ors v Australia
Five Japanese Nationals arrive at Tullamarine with over 12 kilos of heroin in their bags. Chris Poole was involved from the day of their arrest, through trial, appeal and retrial as interpreter, translator, checker and consultant up to and including preparation of the individual communication to the UNHRC.
1996 Blackmore Wagyu
Translation of correspondence and interpeting support for visits, meetings, farm inspections and negotiations for the introduction to Australia of Takeda genetics.
1996 Agribusiness Australia – Grading standards for Nashi
Nashi, the crisp, succulent Asian "Pear", twenty varieties of which have been gradually introduced to Australia since the eighties, arrive at your supermarket without bruises and sorted into grades. We helped by translating the Japanese Nashi Grading and Packing Standards.
1996 - 2008 TPM Consultancy for Nissan, Unilever and JNL (NZ)
Over ten years personal interpreter for regular TPM training at Nissan Casting Australia, six different Unilever plants in Australia and New Zealand and at the JNL Wairarapa timber mill in New Zealand. I lost track of the number of times he patiently provided the skills to analyze problems, confirm the most effective order of priorities, countered every concern and generally opened people's eyes to the possibilities of continuous improvement. I learnt more than the lot of them!
1995 VIC Police – "The Body in the Barrel"
A girl goes missing and her boyfriend returns to the US. Her Japanese flatmate is interviewed by the Victorian Police missing persons, but it becomes a matter for the homicide squad when her lingerie-clad body is found in a barrel two years later. Suspect extradited from the US, tried and sentenced to prison for manslaughter. CPT provided interpreting/translation support for police interviews, evidence and trial.
1995 CD-ROM introducing Australian Dairy Industry
Back when this was the latest technology, we carried out a translation into Korean of an extensive profile of Australian Dairy products for the Australian Food Ingredients Centre, which was then produced as a CD-ROM.
1995 – 1996 Stonehenge Group, Consul General’s Residence, Kobe
The new residence for Australia's Consul General in Osaka was designed and built in Kobe using entirely Australian design and construction services, and Australian materials and tradesmen. CPT provided full time interpreting and translation support on site in Kobe for all aspects of the project including negotiation of agreements with Japanese suppliers, coordination of vehicles, tools and materials, and liaison with local government and regulatory bodies.
1994 Nestle Foods in Australia and NZ
Nestle introduced high speed flow wrappers manufactured by Japanese firm Omori, for their frozen pizza and instant noodle lines both here and in Auckland and as well as interpreting for the commissioning engineers over a period of several months we also assisted in the preparation of follow up operator and maintenance training material.
1994 Australwood
Interpreting and translation support for research and recommendations prepared by a Japanese consultant, advising on the rapid kiln-drying and value-adding of Victorian hardwoods (Euc. regnans). This work led to major expansion of export to Asian markets.
1993 Feasibility Study in Latrobe Valley - Marubeni
A team of technical and business people visited the Latrobe valley and inspected a number of different facilities as part of a study to determine optimum feedstock and production location for a project to produce activated carbon. Unfortunately brown coal lost out to coconut husks.
1993 Chugai Pharmaceuticals - Granocyte User Manual
First identified in Australia 1983 at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute and now widely used as a treatment following chemotherapy, Lenograstim is a hormone that encourages the bone marrow to produce granulocytes and stem cell. Shortly before Chugai Pharmaceuticals introduced their brand "Granocyte" to the European market we produced an English translation of their user manual.
1992 Vietnamese Foreign Investment Law
Translation into Japanese of briefing material as part of the establishment of the Vietnam office of Australian law firm Phillips Fox.
1992 Japanese Consumer Organisation
Research and translation of numerous articles and texts on post-harvest pesticides. Planning and coordination of visit to Australia by investigative journalist. Interpreting at all meetings with Ricegrowers Cooperative, Australian Wheat Board, and many individual growers of fruits and cereal crops throughout Victoria and NSW.
1992 – International Congress of Cytology
Simultaneous intepreting at three day Conference held in Melbourne.
1991 How to Make Kit Kats
Nestle Japan decided to produce Kit Kats domestically and so despatched two teams of operators and technicians to the Nestle Broadmeadows plant for two weeks of training each. We translated every word of this training, little realising how successful the chocolate bar would be in Japan during University entrance exam season, as "kit kat" sounds almost exactly like the Japanese expression "I will win!"
1990 Asia Pacific Marketing Conference
Three days in the booth as presenters from all over the Asia Pacific Region presented on a variety of topics related to marketing.
1990 - 1999 AMRAD - T&I support for Joint Venture
All interpreting and translation to support both board and scientific meetings for the duration of the joint venture between Amrad and Kaneka Corporation. This JV partnered with the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute to develop a number of cloned auto-immune antigens for use in ELISA diagnostic kits for Type II Diabetes.
1989 Gas-Insulated Switchgear
Interpreting support for Hitachi engineers supervising installation of a new GIS substation for Ford of Australia's Geelong Plant.
1989 Ford Capri launch activities
On site interpreting support for visiting paint, suspension and soft trim engineers from Mazda as they fine tuned the very successful Capri.
1988 - Komori Sheet Feed Presses
Back when they were new technology, we worked with engineers at many different sites, interpreting dusk to dawn for Baldwin blanket washer retrofits, and on installations in many remote locations and trade fairs.
1986 Sumitomo Heavy Industries
We interpreted for a team supervising the installation and commissioning of an extrusion laminator - which manufactures multilayered packaging materials from plastics, paper and foil. We were involved from the uncrating to the first successful production runs, interpreting for tradesmen, and then later operators as they received their training, and a number of follow up visits from Sumitomo to maintain the equipment.

copyright © Chris Poole Translation