Ezidi refugees in Armidale say gap in language translation service impacts health care

Here is an article from the ABC. I've read it twice, but something seems off.


"Every day we have clients calling us to assist them with translations, but we're not allowed because we don't have our own language recognised," Mr Qaro said.

"not allowed"?? Do they imagine that NAATI maintains some sort of flying squad of enforcers? Do they weigh health outcomes for people to whom they are so positively disposed that they will help them "flee a genocide" but that they are too scared to transgress the vague insinuations of an Australian Government QANGO?

And do they imagine that NAATI has some kind of interpreter tree in their backyard from which practitioners for any language can be plucked and distributed Australia-wide like ripe fruit, but for some twisted reason they are hoarding them all at the expense of the refugees?

Someone please give them better advice..

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